


​​​​​​​​As partners in the education process, parents/caregivers have a right and a responsibility to play an active role in the education of their children. The P&C enables parents and citizens to meet together to determine the needs and aspirations of the school community. 

P & C meetings provide a forum for parents to learn about the activities at the school, raise concerns and have input into the decisions affecting their children.

P & C meetings are held Week 3 and Week 7 of each term at 3:30pm with childminding by student leaders. Dates and times are advertised in the school newsletter.  We would love to see you there. 

The P&C Executive Committee is elected at the AGM each year in March where all positions are declared vacant. We welcome the school community to join as members at the AGM or throughout the year.

The P&C employ a convenor in the Uniform shop. This employee prepares​​ a report for each P&C meeting to inform all P&C members of each business and to plan appropriately.

The P&C communicates where fundraising, grants received and upcoming P&C projects through the school newsletter.

The P&C is working on finalising the 2021-2025 Strategic Plan, which lists the funding priorities derived from a school parent / carer survey in 2021.

If you have any concerns, questions or enquiries please email

Family Contribution Scheme

One of the primary goals of the P&C is to raise funds for our school, to ensure students receive the very best educational opportunities. The P&C's main form of fundraising is the Family Contribution Scheme (or levy), where each family is asked to make an annual payment to the P&C.

The Family Contribution Levy eliminates the need for numerous major fundraising ventures such as school fairs, chocolate drives and raffles which require many people to organise and carry out the work.

The amount of money we receive from these contributions is reflected in the size of the donations given to the school every year by the P&C. If the levy is not well-supported by parents, there will be added pressure to fundraise in other ways, which can often be time-consuming.

Required contribution
Family $60

Methods of Payment

1.       1.Direct Debit

Please use your surname and child's class as reference, eg: MITCHELL5G

Commonwealth Bank

BSB: 06 4705

ACC No: 1045 2978

2.       2. Cash or Credit Card at the Uniform shop Tuesdays 8:15-9:15am

3.       3. QKR! App



Other fundraising
In addition to the levy, the P&C holds a number of minor fundraisers that are well established and well supported within our school community. These events not only help raise funds for the school but provide a welcome service for busy families.

A volunteer co-ordinates the annual Mother's Day (May) and Father's Day (September) stalls. These stalls are held in the Hall in the week leading up to the celebration, and feature a huge range of gifts, ranging from $1 through to $10. Our students love the opportunity to bring along some money and choose a gift for their mum, dad or special someone. And our families love the fact they don't have to make an extra trip to the shops! The P&C appreciates the wonderful volunteers who help with sorting and selling the merchandise.


Our tuckshop is a service provided 4 days(Every day except Tuesday) a week 8am until the end of first break, for our students, staff and visitors to the school community. It is run by a convenor employed by the P & C. The tuckshop relies on parent volunteers to assist with operation. 

Ordering food from the tuckshop is done via the QKR! App or before school using EFTPOS. 

Throughout the year, our tuckshop alters the menu to celebrate special events. The tuckshop also provides food at sporting carnivals and school discos.

The Tuckshop also co-ordinates the annual Christmas raffle, which is run in conjunction with the end-of-year concert.

Help is always welcome, and it is a great way to get to know other parents and interact with the students. To find out more information and get involved, contact our Convenor at school

You can help in the following ways:                                    

  • Prepare and serve in the Tuckshop
  • Bring in home baking to be sold at the Tuckshop

    Uniform Shop 
     The Uniform Shop is also open on Friday's from 8.15am to 9.15am and purchases can be made with EFTPOS or cash.

    Uniforms can be ordered via the QKR app.  Orders are filled and dropped to the student's classroom.  The

    To find out more information and get involved, contact our Uniform Shop at school

    Uniforms are returnable if they have not been washed or tags removed should you purchase an incorrect size.



Last reviewed 11 March 2025
Last updated 11 March 2025